SDHSAA State Class B Brackets Day 1
Day 1 is over and Philip leads taking 7 into the Semi’s followed by Canton 5 and Custer with 6 into the semifinals tomorrow evening.
B 106
Champ. Round 1 – Rylan Robbins (Winner Area) 36-5 won by fall over Wyatt Hagen (Groton Area) 29-17 (Fall 5:10); Champ. Round 1 – Parker Randall (McCook Central/Montrose) 44-14 won by decision over Cade Gaikowski (Clark/Willow Lake) 36-10 (Dec 5-4); Champ. Round 1 – Ryvr Larson (Bon Homme/Avon) 32-10 won by decision over Owen Bunde (Tri-Valley) 33-15 (Dec 8-6); Champ. Round 1 – Gatlin Cordes (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 40-9 won by fall over Maxwell Anderson (Lemmon/McIntosh) 24-24 (Fall 0:54); Champ. Round 1 – Judd Hansen (Burke/Gregory) 43-3 won by fall over Bodie Vanderboom (Newell) 27-15 (Fall 0:49); Champ. Round 1 – Chase Hurd (Miller/Highmore-Harrold) 44-8 won by fall over Ayden Dooley (Custer) 23-20 (Fall 3:39); Champ. Round 1 – Maddon Odland (Redfield) 36-12 won by decision over Logun Pankratz (Marion/Freeman) 44-13 (Dec 5-3); Champ. Round 1 – Carter Kendrick (Canton) 34-4 won by major decision over Tayten Kurkowski (Webster Area) 28-16 (MD 12-2)
Quarterfinals B 106: Quarterfinal – Rylan Robbins (Winner Area) 37-5 won by fall over Parker Randall (McCook Central/Montrose) 44-15 (Fall 1:47); Quarterfinal – Gatlin Cordes (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 41-9 won by major decision over Ryvr Larson (Bon Homme/Avon) 32-11 (MD 12-4); Quarterfinal – Judd Hansen (Burke/Gregory) 44-3 won by decision over Chase Hurd (Miller/Highmore-Harrold) 44-9 (Dec 10-3); Quarterfinal – Carter Kendrick (Canton) 35-4 won by decision over Maddon Odland (Redfield) 36-13 (Dec 7-1)
B 113
Champ. Round 1 – Brody Randall (Hamlin/Castlewood) 41-0 won by fall over Chance Wagner (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 19-17 (Fall 2:25); Champ. Round 1 – Landon Flogstad (McCook Central/Montrose) 45-13 won by decision over Sean Roseland (Faulkton Area) 35-17 (Dec 6-3); Champ. Round 1 – Jacksen Carter (Wessington Springs/Woonsocket/Wolsey-Wessington) 20-1 won by fall over Caleb Christiansen (Parker) 14-16 (Fall 3:16); Champ. Round 1 – Landon Walker (Canton) 38-4 won by tech fall over Corbin Palsma (Bon Homme/Avon) 27-20 (TF-1.5 4:40 (16-0)); Champ. Round 1 – Tyler Trant (Custer) 45-6 won by fall over Micah Burchfield (Hot Springs) 15-31 (Fall 1:16); Champ. Round 1 – Cooper Pommer (Clark/Willow Lake) 36-9 won by decision over Jaymin VanDerWerff (Miller/Highmore-Harrold) 36-19 (Dec 4-1); Champ. Round 1 – Maddux Risse (Bennett County) 38-12 won by fall over Nicholas Schlachter (Potter County) 27-8 (Fall 2:26); Champ. Round 1 – Brody Gossen (Marion/Freeman) 45-2 won by fall over Roukyn Robbins (Winner Area) 31-16 (Fall 0:48)
Quarterfinals B 113: – Brody Randall (Hamlin/Castlewood) 42-0 won by tech fall over Landon Flogstad (McCook Central/Montrose) 45-14 (TF-1.5 2:38 (15-0)); Quarterfinal – Landon Walker (Canton) 39-4 won by decision over Jacksen Carter (Wessington Springs/Woonsocket/Wolsey-Wessington) 20-2 (Dec 5-2); Quarterfinal – Tyler Trant (Custer) 46-6 won by decision over Cooper Pommer (Clark/Willow Lake) 36-10 (Dec 6-4); Quarterfinal – Brody Gossen (Marion/Freeman) 46-2 won by decision over Maddux Risse (Bennett County) 38-13 (Dec 1-0)
B 120
Champ. Round 1 – Kasen Konstanz (Kimball/White Lake/Platte-Geddes) 40-2 won by fall over Evan Hertel (McLaughlin) 14-19 (Fall 3:46); Champ. Round 1 – Easton Tschetter (Marion/Freeman) 47-4 won by fall over Cash Edgar (Faulkton Area) 26-13 (Fall 1:20); Champ. Round 1 – Zach Bartels (Canton) 41-12 won by major decision over Neil Hicks (Bennett County) 27-16 (MD 13-2); Champ. Round 1 – Kaydin Carter (Wessington Springs/Woonsocket/Wolsey-Wessington) 38-7 won by fall over Lane Stuwe (Potter County) 29-18 (Fall 4:44); Champ. Round 1 – Trystan Traupel (McCook Central/Montrose) 34-6 won by fall over Connor Glassford (Tri-Valley) 36-13 (Fall 0:22); Champ. Round 1 – Tukker Boe (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 41-9 won by major decision over Daniel Dorsey (Mount Vernon/Plankinton/Corsica-Stickney) 32-17 (MD 11-0); Champ. Round 1 – Talon Ping (Miller/Highmore-Harrold) 38-8 won by major decision over Cody Zell (Kingsbury County) 37-17 (MD 12-3); Champ. Round 1 – Tray Weiss (Custer) 49-3 won by tech fall over Tacey Miller (Webster Area) 35-15 (TF-1.5 4:00 (17-2))
Quarterfinals B 120: Quarterfinal – Kasen Konstanz (Kimball/White Lake/Platte-Geddes) 41-2 won by fall over Easton Tschetter (Marion/Freeman) 47-5 (Fall 4:40); Quarterfinal – Kaydin Carter (Wessington Springs/Woonsocket/Wolsey-Wessington) 39-7 won by decision over Zach Bartels (Canton) 41-13 (Dec 1-0); Quarterfinal – Tukker Boe (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 42-9 won in sudden victory – 1 over Trystan Traupel (McCook Central/Montrose) 34-7 (SV-1 9-7); Quarterfinal – Tray Weiss (Custer) 50-3 won by major decision over Talon Ping (Miller/Highmore-Harrold) 38-9 (MD 8-0)
B 126
Champ. Round 1 – Maxton Brozik (Winner Area) 35-3 won by tech fall over Walker Zoellner (Groton Area) 32-15 (TF-1.5 2:58 (20-5)); Champ. Round 1 – Jordan Schafer (Miller/Highmore-Harrold) 39-12 won by major decision over Drew Janke (Lead-Deadwood) 27-10 (MD 11-0); Champ. Round 1 – Wyatt Wientjes (Mobridge-Pollock) 30-11 won by fall over Ethan O`Connor (Custer) 29-21 (Fall 2:25); Champ. Round 1 – Aiden Schrempp (Canton) 41-12 won by major decision over Lyle Noel (Bennett County) 31-19 (MD 10-0); Champ. Round 1 – Gannon Gilligan (Kingsbury County) 29-1 won by fall over Aston Hill (Wessington Springs/Woonsocket/Wolsey-Wessington) 31-14 (Fall 3:03); Champ. Round 1 – Cole Hendrixson (Tri-Valley) 25-6 won by fall over Dubhlainn Vermeulen (Sioux Valley) 13-26 (Fall 0:18); Champ. Round 1 – Conner Zens (Redfield) 34-10 won by fall over Luke Swatek (Elk Point-Jefferson) 33-18 (Fall 0:50); Champ. Round 1 – Gavin Braun (Kimball/White Lake/Platte-Geddes) 42-3 won by fall over Alek Kuchta (Parker) 38-13 (Fall 4:50)
Quarterfinals B 126: Quarterfinal – Maxton Brozik (Winner Area) 36-3 won by decision over Jordan Schafer (Miller/Highmore-Harrold) 39-13 (Dec 3-1); Quarterfinal – Wyatt Wientjes (Mobridge-Pollock) 31-11 won by decision over Aiden Schrempp (Canton) 41-13 (Dec 6-2); Quarterfinal – Gannon Gilligan (Kingsbury County) 30-1 won by fall over Cole Hendrixson (Tri-Valley) 25-7 (Fall 3:19); Quarterfinal – Gavin Braun (Kimball/White Lake/Platte-Geddes) 43-3 won by fall over Conner Zens (Redfield) 34-11 (Fall 3:40)
B 132
Champ. Round 1 – Karstyn Lhotak (Wagner) 42-3 won by fall over Elliott Bartlett (McCook Central/Montrose) 15-17 (Fall 1:35); Champ. Round 1 – Treyson Richter (Tri-Valley) 28-15 won by decision over Johnny Lenz (Kimball/White Lake/Platte-Geddes) 39-12 (Dec 7-2); Champ. Round 1 – Konner Osborn (Winner Area) 32-10 won by fall over Witt Myers (Stanley County) 28-10 (Fall 5:28); Champ. Round 1 – Riley Scott (Custer) 46-7 won by fall over Dominic Kluckman (Deuel/Deubrook Area) 11-22 (Fall 0:26); Champ. Round 1 – Tate Steffensen (Sioux Valley) 45-5 won by decision over Oakley Menzel (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 12-24 (Dec 10-3); Champ. Round 1 – Gage Anderson (Lemmon/McIntosh) 43-9 won by fall over Keaton Prehiem (Marion/Freeman) 38-19 (Fall 4:26); Champ. Round 1 – Jackson Kaul (Bon Homme/Avon) 34-9 won by fall over John Yonker (Hamlin/Castlewood) 21-9 (Fall 1:04); Champ. Round 1 – Ashton Keller (Canton) 43-1 won by fall over Greyson Nielson (Kingsbury County) 20-11 (Fall 0:12)
Quarterfinals B 132: Quarterfinal – Karstyn Lhotak (Wagner) 43-3 won by fall over Treyson Richter (Tri-Valley) 28-16 (Fall 3:01); Quarterfinal – Riley Scott (Custer) 47-7 won by decision over Konner Osborn (Winner Area) 32-11 (Dec 5-2); Quarterfinal – Gage Anderson (Lemmon/McIntosh) 44-9 won by fall over Tate Steffensen (Sioux Valley) 45-6 (Fall 5:08); Quarterfinal – Ashton Keller (Canton) 44-1 won by decision over Jackson Kaul (Bon Homme/Avon) 34-10 (Dec 7-2)
Champ. Round 1 – Kellan Hurd (Miller/Highmore-Harrold) 45-1 won by fall over Austin Vig (Clark/Willow Lake) 33-18 (Fall 3:06); Champ. Round 1 – Lincoln Wickstrom (Harding County) 29-8 won by fall over Spencer Sargent (Stanley County) 36-13 (Fall 1:44); Champ. Round 1 – Tyler Tjeerdsma (Bon Homme/Avon) 36-6 won by fall over Chase Adam (Canton) 30-22 (Fall 1:20); Champ. Round 1 – Conner Giedd (Kingsbury County) 32-2 won by fall over Jackson Williams (Tri-Valley) 10-18 (Fall 1:20); Champ. Round 1 – Karson Keiser (Winner Area) 40-7 won by fall over Owen Rigg (Elk Point-Jefferson) 22-21 (Fall 2:23); Champ. Round 1 – Michael Even (Parker) 38-11 won by major decision over Zane Miller (Deuel/Deubrook Area) 28-18 (MD 12-3); Champ. Round 1 – Gavin Risse (Bennett County) 36-11 won by fall over Kaden Holzbauer (Parkston) 33-13 (Fall 3:53); Champ. Round 1 – Haeden Jorgenson (Webster Area) 37-2 won by fall over Mekhi Hayes (Lead-Deadwood) 33-19 (Fall 4:58)
Quarterfinals B 138: Kellan Hurd (Miller/Highmore-Harrold) 46-1 won by major decision over Lincoln Wickstrom (Harding County) 29-9 (MD 13-1); Quarterfinal – Conner Giedd (Kingsbury County) 33-2 won by decision over Tyler Tjeerdsma (Bon Homme/Avon) 36-7 (Dec 5-4); Quarterfinal – Karson Keiser (Winner Area) 41-7 won by major decision over Michael Even (Parker) 38-12 (MD 10-2); Quarterfinal – Haeden Jorgenson (Webster Area) 38-2 won by decision over Gavin Risse (Bennett County) 36-12 (Dec 11-4)
B 144
Champ. Round 1 – Kellan Hurd (Miller/Highmore-Harrold) 45-1 won by fall over Austin Vig (Clark/Willow Lake) 33-18 (Fall 3:06); Champ. Round 1 – Lincoln Wickstrom (Harding County) 29-8 won by fall over Spencer Sargent (Stanley County) 36-13 (Fall 1:44); Champ. Round 1 – Tyler Tjeerdsma (Bon Homme/Avon) 36-6 won by fall over Chase Adam (Canton) 30-22 (Fall 1:20); Champ. Round 1 – Conner Giedd (Kingsbury County) 32-2 won by fall over Jackson Williams (Tri-Valley) 10-18 (Fall 1:20); Champ. Round 1 – Karson Keiser (Winner Area) 40-7 won by fall over Owen Rigg (Elk Point-Jefferson) 22-21 (Fall 2:23); Champ. Round 1 – Michael Even (Parker) 38-11 won by major decision over Zane Miller (Deuel/Deubrook Area) 28-18 (MD 12-3); Champ. Round 1 – Gavin Risse (Bennett County) 36-11 won by fall over Kaden Holzbauer (Parkston) 33-13 (Fall 3:53); Champ. Round 1 – Haeden Jorgenson (Webster Area) 37-2 won by fall over Mekhi Hayes (Lead-Deadwood) 33-19 (Fall 4:58)
Quarterfinal B 144: Quarterfinal – Jace Blasius (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 33-4 won by decision over Landon Coyle (Faulkton Area) 37-10 (Dec 7-1); Quarterfinal – Christian Ehresmann (Groton Area) 37-5 won by fall over Teague Granum (Canton) 42-6 (Fall 2:40); Quarterfinal – Iden Myers (Kimball/White Lake/Platte-Geddes) 43-1 won by decision over Teagan Foreman (Miller/Highmore-Harrold) 28-4 (Dec 5-3); Quarterfinal – Ryken Orel (Winner Area) 42-13 won by fall over Miles Renner (Lead-Deadwood) 42-7 (Fall 5:44)
B 150
Champ. Round 1 – Ayson Rice (Canton) 39-1 won by fall over Taiten Shaw (Stanley County) 19-14 (Fall 0:40); Champ. Round 1 – Garrett Cramer (Faulkton Area) 29-6 won by decision over Tyce Gropper (Bennett County) 21-8 (Dec 9-5); Champ. Round 1 – Tate Miller (Howard) 33-11 won by fall over Riley Pankratz (Parker) 20-12 (Fall 3:45); Champ. Round 1 – Riley Roberts (Wagner) 43-9 won by decision over Bryce Klancke (Clark/Willow Lake) 20-14 (Dec 7-0); Champ. Round 1 – Carter Sommer (Parkston) 34-9 won by decision over Carter Konechne (Kimball/White Lake/Platte-Geddes) 34-16 (Dec 8-4); Champ. Round 1 – Brody Dybvig (Tri-Valley) 25-6 won by major decision over Kaleb Johnson (Kingsbury County) 28-16 (MD 12-3); Champ. Round 1 – Jackson Caba (Bon Homme/Avon) 36-10 won by decision over Jaxon Quail (Deuel/Deubrook Area) 35-8 (Dec 7-1); Champ. Round 1 – Ryker Peterson (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 22-3 won by fall over Kai Rusch (Custer) 31-25 (Fall 3:41)
Quarterfinals B 150: Quarterfinal – Ayson Rice (Canton) 40-1 won by tech fall over Garrett Cramer (Faulkton Area) 29-7 (TF-1.5 4:46 (19-4)); Quarterfinal – Riley Roberts (Wagner) 44-9 won by major decision over Tate Miller (Howard) 33-12 (MD 12-0); Quarterfinal – Carter Sommer (Parkston) 35-9 won in sudden victory – 1 over Brody Dybvig (Tri-Valley) 25-7 (SV-1 6-4); Quarterfinal – Ryker Peterson (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 23-3 won by decision over Jackson Caba (Bon Homme/Avon) 36-11 (Dec 12-6)
B 157
Champ. Round 1 – Jackson Remmers (Howard) 44-0 won by fall over Collin Dean (Redfield) 29-20 (Fall 0:29); Champ. Round 1 – Korbin Kucker (Groton Area) 25-7 won by decision over Charlie Dulany (Warner/Northwestern) 27-8 (Dec 5-4); Champ. Round 1 – Jude Sargent (Winner Area) 23-11 won by decision over Blaise Arp (Custer) 16-27 (Dec 3-1); Champ. Round 1 – Andrew Even (Parker) 36-8 won by fall over Gage Baumgarn (Webster Area) 31-17 (Fall 0:20); Champ. Round 1 – Wyatt Anderson (Parkston) 36-7 won by tech fall over Gunner Ewing (Elk Point-Jefferson) 23-15 (TF-1.5 3:35 (16-0)); Champ. Round 1 – Aidan Kranz (Canton) 38-11 won by fall over Talon Krolikowski (Bennett County) 31-13 (Fall 0:42); Champ. Round 1 – Ryder Rowland (Miller/Highmore-Harrold) 39-12 won by major decision over Hayden Roggow (Stanley County) 23-9 (MD 12-3); Champ. Round 1 – Kale Crowser (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 44-3 won by fall over Kahle Hill (Wagner) 22-22 (Fall 3:17)
Quarterfinals B 157: Quarterfinal – Jackson Remmers (Howard) 45-0 won by fall over Korbin Kucker (Groton Area) 25-8 (Fall 0:32); Quarterfinal – Andrew Even (Parker) 37-8 won by fall over Jude Sargent (Winner Area) 23-12 (Fall 2:38); Quarterfinal – Wyatt Anderson (Parkston) 37-7 won by fall over Aidan Kranz (Canton) 38-12 (Fall 2:29); Quarterfinal – Kale Crowser (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 45-3 won by major decision over Ryder Rowland (Miller/Highmore-Harrold) 39-13 (MD 11-3)
B 165
Champ. Round 1 – Jhett Breen (Wagner) 36-3 won by fall over Bryson Heuertz (Sully Buttes) 12-20 (Fall 0:24); Champ. Round 1 – Colton Brady (Stanley County) 26-8 won in sudden victory – 1 over Elliot Bratland (Clark/Willow Lake) 34-11 (SV-1 3-1); Champ. Round 1 – Korbin Whiteley (Deuel/Deubrook Area) 12-3 won by fall over Tate Tolsma (Mount Vernon/Plankinton/Corsica-Stickney) 29-17 (Fall 3:42); Champ. Round 1 – Thane Simons (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 30-5 won by fall over Jordan Risse (Bennett County) 24-21 (Fall 0:28); Champ. Round 1 – Weston Remmers (Howard) 29-3 won by major decision over Dustin Dirksen (Warner/Northwestern) 29-14 (MD 11-2); Champ. Round 1 – Landyn Reiser (Tri-Valley) 36-7 won by fall over Hayes Johnson (Elk Point-Jefferson) 21-14 (Fall 2:24); Champ. Round 1 – Dylan Buseman (Parker) 39-17 won by fall over Rory McManus (Lyman) 38-12 (Fall 2:33); Champ. Round 1 – Lucas Lenz (Kimball/White Lake/Platte-Geddes) 39-4 won by fall over Kash Neugebauer (Parkston) 6-10 (Fall 2:33)
Quarterfinals B 165: Quarterfinal – Jhett Breen (Wagner) 37-3 won by fall over Colton Brady (Stanley County) 26-9 (Fall 2:49); Quarterfinal – Thane Simons (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 31-5 won by major decision over Korbin Whiteley (Deuel/Deubrook Area) 12-4 (MD 16-5); Quarterfinal – Weston Remmers (Howard) 30-3 won by decision over Landyn Reiser (Tri-Valley) 36-8 (Dec 4-3); Quarterfinal – Lucas Lenz (Kimball/White Lake/Platte-Geddes) 40-4 won by fall over Dylan Buseman (Parker) 39-18 (Fall 2:54)
B 175
Champ. Round 1 – Burk Blasius (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 33-2 won by fall over Connor Even (Parker) 29-24 (Fall 1:36); Champ. Round 1 – Dylan Murray (Redfield) 23-5 won by fall over Gavin Neu (Canton) 29-18 (Fall 1:25); Champ. Round 1 – Kolter Kramer (Parkston) 27-7 won by fall over Ethan Hess (Lead-Deadwood) 27-21 (Fall 1:09); Champ. Round 1 – Josh Kannegieter (Clark/Willow Lake) 36-5 won by fall over Chays Mansfield (Warner/Northwestern) 16-21 (Fall 1:25); Champ. Round 1 – Carter Randall (McCook Central/Montrose) 46-7 won by fall over Garret Westendorf (Kimball/White Lake/Platte-Geddes) 22-21 (Fall 3:43); Champ. Round 1 – Colby Kolda (Miller/Highmore-Harrold) 37-8 won by fall over Rylan Shrake (Stanley County) 21-16 (Fall 2:48); Champ. Round 1 – Calvin Halverson (Howard) 16-4 won by major decision over Drake Mueller (Faulkton Area) 28-14 (MD 12-1); Champ. Round 1 – Ryder Bailey (Custer) 34-5 won by fall over Tyson Eddy (Wessington Springs/Woonsocket/Wolsey-Wessington) 22-12 (Fall 4:15)
Quarterfinals B 175 – Quarterfinal – Burk Blasius (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 34-2 won by fall over Dylan Murray (Redfield) 23-6 (Fall 5:54); Quarterfinal – Kolter Kramer (Parkston) 28-7 won by decision over Josh Kannegieter (Clark/Willow Lake) 36-6 (Dec 3-1); Quarterfinal – Carter Randall (McCook Central/Montrose) 47-7 won by decision over Colby Kolda (Miller/Highmore-Harrold) 37-9 (Dec 2-1); Quarterfinal – Ryder Bailey (Custer) 35-5 won by decision over Calvin Halverson (Howard) 16-5 (Dec 7-2)
B 190
Champ. Round 1 – Parker Noem (Custer) 44-8 won by fall over Breyten Johnson (Kingsbury County) 28-20 (Fall 0:55); Champ. Round 1 – Camden Murray (Redfield) 34-13 won by fall over Tristen Baloun (Faulkton Area) 25-10 (Fall 5:06); Champ. Round 1 – Will Rotert (McCook Central/Montrose) 31-6 won by fall over Caleb Westerbur (Garretson) 17-16 (Fall 0:58); Champ. Round 1 – Isaiah Crownover (Bon Homme/Avon) 34-6 won by fall over Gabriel Martian (Howard) 29-16 (Fall 1:36); Champ. Round 1 – Alex Pudwill (Warner/Northwestern) 42-4 won by fall over Ethan Harris (Bennett County) 27-18 (Fall 0:41); Champ. Round 1 – Jhett Eklund (Burke/Gregory) 37-10 won by major decision over Mason Curtis (Winner Area) 29-23 (MD 10-0); Champ. Round 1 – Quinn Moon (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 31-12 won by decision over Dylan Meade (Lead-Deadwood) 23-15 (Dec 11-10); Champ. Round 1 – Gannon Knebel (Wagner) 34-1 won by fall over Carter Kreger (Canton) 31-20 (Fall 1:25)
Quarterfinals B 190: Quarterfinal – Parker Noem (Custer) 45-8 won by decision over Camden Murray (Redfield) 34-14 (Dec 8-1); Quarterfinal – Isaiah Crownover (Bon Homme/Avon) 35-6 won by fall over Will Rotert (McCook Central/Montrose) 31-7 (Fall 2:40); Quarterfinal – Jhett Eklund (Burke/Gregory) 38-10 won by fall over Alex Pudwill (Warner/Northwestern) 42-5 (Fall 5:12); Quarterfinal – Gannon Knebel (Wagner) 35-1 won by tech fall over Quinn Moon (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 31-13 (TF-1.5 5:20 (18-2))
B 215
Champ. Round 1 – Levi Wieman (Parker) 49-0 won by fall over Kadyn Weisser (Ipswich/Bowdle) 27-16 (Fall 2:12); Champ. Round 1 – Kade Braun (Burke/Gregory) 36-10 won by decision over Preston Cavalier (Warner/Northwestern) 39-10 (Dec 4-2); Champ. Round 1 – Jensen Fitch (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 27-7 won by fall over Parker Mathis (Winner Area) 18-19 (Fall 1:11); Champ. Round 1 – Lincoln Dikoff (Faulkton Area) 36-4 won by fall over Tucker Peterson (McCook Central/Montrose) 16-25 (Fall 0:51); Champ. Round 1 – Holden Havlik (Wessington Springs/Woonsocket/Wolsey-Wessington) 24-1 won by fall over Quentin White Mountain (McLaughlin) 14-13 (Fall 0:30); Champ. Round 1 – Connor Johnson (Kingsbury County) 38-9 won by fall over Aiden Hilbelink (Chester) 18-21 (Fall 0:45); Champ. Round 1 – Tim Bouza (Wagner) 24-11 won by decision over Hunter Richmond (Canton) 30-15 (Dec 3-1); Champ. Round 1 – Caleb Rickenbach (Hot Springs) 40-2 won by fall over Wyatt Zeigler (Mobridge-Pollock) 18-20 (Fall 0:44)
Quarterfinals B 215 – Quarterfinal – Levi Wieman (Parker) 50-0 won by fall over Kade Braun (Burke/Gregory) 36-11 (Fall 3:09); Quarterfinal – Lincoln Dikoff (Faulkton Area) 37-4 won by fall over Jensen Fitch (Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall) 27-8 (Fall 5:13); Quarterfinal – Holden Havlik (Wessington Springs/Woonsocket/Wolsey-Wessington) 25-1 won by medical forfeit over Connor Johnson (Kingsbury County) 38-9 (M. For.); Quarterfinal – Caleb Rickenbach (Hot Springs) 41-2 won by decision over Tim Bouza (Wagner) 24-12 (Dec 9-2)
B 285
Champ. Round 1 – Grady Fey (Redfield) 46-0 won by fall over Aiden Novak (Mount Vernon/Plankinton/Corsica-Stickney) 32-14 (Fall 0:17); Champ. Round 1 – Emmitt Maher (Lemmon/McIntosh) 21-5 won by fall over Louie Thiry (Lyman) 33-11 (Fall 1:13); Champ. Round 1 – Isaac Nehlich (Tri-Valley) 27-7 won by fall over Jacob Johnson (Viborg-Hurley/Irene-Wakonda) 30-21 (Fall 1:27); Champ. Round 1 – Stetson Shelbourn (Winner Area) 34-13 won by fall over Randall Powers (Bon Homme/Avon) 24-14 (Fall 3:25); Champ. Round 1 – Zayne Severyn (Custer) 40-8 won by fall over Breckin Culbert (Parkston) 26-23 (Fall 3:04); Champ. Round 1 – Parker Bode (Faulkton Area) 38-7 won by fall over Riley Kerner (Mobridge-Pollock) 18-22 (Fall 4:56); Champ. Round 1 – Tucker Hardy (Britton-Hecla) 36-14 won by decision over Owen Vandeweerd (Sioux Valley) 41-7 (Dec 3-1); Champ. Round 1 – Traun Cook (Canton) 48-3 won by fall over Tanner Baatz (Garretson) 27-18 (Fall 1:41)
Quarterfinals B 285 – Quarterfinal – Grady Fey (Redfield) 47-0 won by fall over Emmitt Maher (Lemmon/McIntosh) 21-6 (Fall 1:22); Quarterfinal – Isaac Nehlich (Tri-Valley) 28-7 won by fall over Stetson Shelbourn (Winner Area) 34-14 (Fall 0:57); Quarterfinal – Zayne Severyn (Custer) 41-8 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Parker Bode (Faulkton Area) 38-8 (UTB 3-2); Quarterfinal – Traun Cook (Canton) 49-3 won by fall over Tucker Hardy (Britton-Hecla) 36-15 (Fall 1:00)