Motivation Monday: Reading David Goggins Can’t Hurt me Article by Jon Gums

I have done some goal setting and to-do-lists in the past.  I continue to read about 3-4 different books for some reason at the same time…  never one at a time… I picked up David Goggins a year or two ago when a friend (I think it was Travis Lang) and actually forgot I had it til a few months ago.  I then started to write this 3 part Motivation article.  This is part 1.

I challenge you to be a student of the game, a life-time learner.  Wrestlers have to me more, have to be mental athletes, along with being a controlled physical one.  I started reading this book awhile back and got inspired to be better no mater the circumstances.  Goggins challenges you through the first 5 of the 10 challenges or missions. Crazy but I have not finished it yet… That is actually in my goals list. This week or the next!

1.  He challenges you to Journal, write down everything, what has shaped your life.  The good, the bad, what hands you have been dealt.  Acknowledge that growth happens when things are hard.  I believe he is setting you up to basically tell you everyone experiences tough things it is how you deal with them is what makes you!  He has come up with a method to challenge you to what?  You can’t hurt me.  (Make you stronger)

2.  Truth! Being brutally honest with yourself is key.  He teaches the post-it note goals on your mirror, put them up.. and remove them when you have accomplished it.  Since I am a bit “vain” a mirror is a perfect place.  Actually, it is one of the first places I look at myself…(in the morning).  I only put three-four there at a time!  Remove them when something is completed or needs to be refocused. 1st note. is for the week (Biggest Goal) Make a social media post every day this week. 2nd note. Is a motivational quote for the week or until it need changing! This week it is Dream Big! Work Hard! Grow! My 3rd note and 4th are from different goal categories: 3rd for me is a physical health goal:  Get stronger/Stretch/Be Active Everyday.  4th is Spiritual this week which is a statement and a goal.: “Show Gratitude”  To be “brutally” honest this is the area of all types of Goals I have to work on the most.  Lastly, Groggins wants you to learn discipline.

3.  I take notes on everything… I have notebooks upon notebooks which mean nothing to my wife or my kids, but it makes me focus and that is how I learn the best, so it is time to get your journal again and write down the things you don’t like to do that make you uncomfortable. Then, start to take tiny steps towards doing these things. He recommends “doing something that sucks every day” even if it’s something as small as making your bed, and over time, kick it up a notch.  David Goggins says doing this will make you strong, in fact this is how you callous your mind and build a bulletproof mentality.  This sounds crazy but there is a few people at work I have used this on… Let me explain and take this with a grain of salt: I have worked at the same school teaching now for almost 18 years and there are a couple of teachers I totally despised, I mean 15 years ago I would have let it bother me about how rude they are, about there politics, how their kids are the best, how what ever I do is inferior etc.  I told my self I am going to do something I hate… What is that you might ask, just be nice.  What else? I let them lead the conversations, (don’t roll my eyes) I compliment what they wear (like Packers Gear) which I used to hate with a passion. (I really think that they believe I like the Packers too) LOL…  and it was painful for a long time… but I grew that callous and now those simple now pit-ally things don’t even affect one second of my day!  Now, I can get more serious!  I don’t enjoy running, now I need to start doing more of that in the near future, work on that running callus.

4.  I really like this one it is called “taking their souls”  and that is where part 2 will start next week!

Thanks for reading… Make a comment below, most people don’t realize you can comment on any page!  I will review and approve them as long as there in no links or swear words…

Jon Gums

one more thing if you search David up on Youtube… be ready for some swear words… if you can get past that it is well worth it.

Dakota Grappler

Owner and Editor of Dakota Grappler

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