Monday Motivation #6 Trust the Process

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Monday Motivation #6 trust the process click here on this link if you like to read the whole article

Welcome back to Monday Motivation: Part 6 “How to Trust the Process”

Monday Motivation for High School wrestlers. I started by making an infographic with the points I wanted to look at.  Let’s delve into each of these points a bit more to inspire and guide our wrestlers for the week:  (when I say our wrestlers I mean your wrestlers as parents, your wrestlers as a coach, or even yourself when you look at your inner wrestler.)

  1. Embrace the Journey: Your wrestling journey is a story of growth, resilience, and triumph. Cherish every step, even the challenging ones, for they shape you into the formidable athlete you’re destined to become. Remember, success is not just about the destination but the path you take to get there.
  2. Focus on What You Can Control: Wrestling, like life, is filled with variables. Concentrate your energy on things within your control—your attitude, your effort, and your commitment. Don’t let external factors distract you. By mastering the controllable aspects, you set the stage for success.
  3. Find Lessons in Failure: Losses aren’t defeats; they are lessons. Each setback is an opportunity to learn, adapt, and come back stronger. Analyze your failures, understand what went wrong, and use that knowledge to refine your skills. Remember, every champion has faced defeat on their journey.
  4. Write Down Your Thoughts After Matches: Keep a journal of your thoughts and feelings after each match. Reflect on what went well and what areas need improvement. This not only helps you process your experiences but also provides a valuable resource for setting future goals.
  5. Embrace a Growth Mindset: Your abilities aren’t fixed; they can be developed through dedication and hard work. Embrace challenges as opportunities to grow. View effort as the path to mastery and setbacks as a natural part of the learning process. A growth mindset is the key to unlocking your full potential.
  6. Track Your Progress: Set benchmarks and monitor your progress. Whether it’s in the weight room, on the mat, or in your academic pursuits, seeing your improvement over time reinforces your commitment and fuels your motivation.
  7. Celebrate Even Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your victories, no matter how small. Whether it’s mastering a new move, increasing your stamina, or overcoming a personal challenge, these victories build your confidence and keep the fire burning.
  8. Have a Cheerleader (Someone in Your Corner): Surround yourself with positive influences. Having someone who believes in you, supports you, and encourages you during the tough times can make all the difference. It could be a coach, a teammate, a friend, or a family member—someone who’s always in your corner.
  9. Ditch Perfectionism: Perfection is an illusion. Instead of seeking flawlessness, strive for excellence. Understand that mistakes are part of the process, and they contribute to your growth. Don’t fear failure; embrace it as a stepping stone to success.
  10. Put in Consistent Effort: Consistency is the secret ingredient to success. Commit to your training, your studies, and your personal development with unwavering dedication. Small, consistent efforts compound over time, leading to significant achievements.

Wrestlers, this week is about trusting the process, believing in your journey, and committing to your growth. Keep pushing, keep learning, and remember: success is not a destination, but a continuous journey of improvement. You’ve got this!


By Jon Gums

Dakota Grappler



Dakota Grappler

Owner and Editor of Dakota Grappler

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