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Seeing the results from Fargo just goes to show how far behind South Dakota is compared to every other state. Iowa won the freestyle team title. Biggest difference I see is the fact that Iowa has embraced the private clubs. They obviously have shown proven results. South Dakota is living in the Stone Age when it comes to wrestling.

I agree we are behind, but it’s not all bad. Keep in mind Iowa had bout every stud possible on that team, legendary! Although we had a lot of our talent, SD could benefit from more kid just participating in freestyle/Greco. Seems to be always the same kids at the spring/summer tourneys. Plus some of our team had down weekends and a couple were right there to AA.

Biggest thing I saw were mostly lack of some Olympic style tactics and awareness. Gut defense was a big one as well. Cant just lay there and try to be heavy. There has to be some motion/crawling to get weight centered on the lock or to avoid getting legs locked up. Again tho, it’s and exposure and experience issue.

Quote from WrestleMma185 on July 20, 2022, 1:45 pm

I agree we are behind, but it’s not all bad. Keep in mind Iowa had bout every stud possible on that team, legendary! Although we had a lot of our talent, SD could benefit from more kid just participating in freestyle/Greco. Seems to be always the same kids at the spring/summer tourneys. Plus some of our team had down weekends and a couple were right there to AA.

Biggest thing I saw were mostly lack of some Olympic style tactics and awareness. Gut defense was a big one as well. Cant just lay there and try to be heavy. There has to be some motion/crawling to get weight centered on the lock or to avoid getting legs locked up. Again tho, it’s and exposure and experience issue.

Where does that experience come from?  Most of them definitely aren’t getting it from the school clubs. Everyone in South Dakota is so against the private clubs even though they have proven to help kids become successful. We are just going to keep falling further behind if we don’t get with the program.

I totally agree there needs to be more private club access in the state. I also think that, one, the kids in some areas of the state don’t seek out enough opportunity. There is definitely a club somewhere just across the border into Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, or ND that would adopt a couple SD studs into their clubs. Multiple Wisconsin wrestlers come into MN for training purposes all the time n still rep their home state at national events. Two, I just see many kids not wanting to wrestle in spring in summer for a multitude of reasons. Not youths kids, middle and high school age. Anyone can find the info for these events and just go (outside of maybe junior duals and Fargo). I do See more participation throughout the years, but, yes, still needs improvement.

All that said great effort by the coaches and wrestlers that wrestled this week! Fargo can be grueling and humbling even to the best wrestlers. If we continue to come together as a state, we can continue to grow with the sport.

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