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Brandon Valley

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  1. Quote from Heard@theMovies on March 3, 2022, 12:23 pm
Quote from BHCF on March 1, 2022, 4:08 pm

The BV 220 commited an assault in that match and should have immediately been DQd.  You don't need to make contact with someone to assault them -- a fake punch is all it takes if the victim is in fear of being struck, which the Stevens 220 obviously was.  That kid needs some help with anger management or he's going to end up having a really difficult life.

The rest of it was just the high emotions that comes in a close dual like that.

Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast.

Great quote from the legend of Ron Burgundy!

Quote from Convoy on March 3, 2022, 11:24 am

I'm going through AAU Stats More to follow on the others.

Maybe rachet down on being creepy.  Asking for these kids' addresses in a previous thread and now sifting through old brackets?

interesting has reacted to this post.
Quote from Convoy on March 3, 2022, 11:24 am
Quote from GrapplerDad on March 2, 2022, 12:39 pm

Let's talk about this "Dream Team" that Convoy referred to. The majority of the Brandon Valley Team that competed this weekend started in their youth program or moved there in Middle School or before:

106-T. Oehme- BV MatCats, 113-McGuire-BV MatCats, 120-Johnson-BV MatCats, 126-J. Oehme-BV MatCats, 132-T. Oehme-BV MatCats, 138-Mentzer-BV MatCats, 152-Langenhorst-Brookings/BV Middle School, 160-Bortnem-BV MatCats, 182-Tucker-BV MatCats, 195-D. Schunke-BV Middle School, 285-N. Schunke-Brandon Elementary. I watched almost everyone of these boys wrestle in a MatCats singlet when they were 4,5, and 6 years old and continued to watch them grow and develop as MatCats and seize the amazing opportunites to train with Metro and LOG locally. I've also seen them go to camps like JROB, Iowa, SDSU, and Northern. They have all committed to get better using the tools they have available and some are more committed than others. Just like in other wrestling rooms across the state. Just like on football fields and basketball courts across the state.

There are examples of wrestlers moving from other towns to find a wrestling room and teammates that will make them better because they want to wrestle after high school. Morgan Engbrecht to Sturgis, Jagger Tyler to Mitchell, Logan Graf to Stevens, Bollweg to Pierre, The Lake Andes Heavyweight to Winner, Fort Pierre kids to Pierre (Van Camp, Raske, Etc. they did grow up in the Pierre AAU program) I'm not faulting them for make those decisions. They and their families had their own reasons why they decided to find another room and it's their business not ours.

Yes, BV has three starters that did not wrestle or live in BV before they were in high school, but if you take those points away they still win the title on Friday and they are definitely still in the hunt on Saturday as two of those three lost against Stevens.

The main point of my post is to point out that most of these boys have been wrestling or competing in other sports wearing BV Black and Red since they were little. Saturday was not pretty for some of the wrestlers and some of the adults representing both teams, but give these young men the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and move on. That is what this time in their lives is for because in few short years they will no longer be kids.



Since you only have 1 post and did lots of research on the kids, I figure I will give you a chance to post some more.

since you posted 38-Mentzer-BV MatCats, here is what I found.  Alex Mentzer Sioux Falls Lincoln  (Open enroll to Brandon ). I'm going through AAU Stats More to follow on the others.

While you are scouring the interwebs maybe take a look at 2015 or 2016 AAU where Mentzer was wrestling for BV, like was said earlier his uncle was a long time coach in the Matcats program.

interesting and Clearly have reacted to this post.

Who gives a shit who came from where. I know for a fact Alex wrestled for BV youth anyway. Why don't you appreciate greatness since this is probably going to be the only time in SD history that we have a wrestling team ranked nationally. Why do some of you 40-year-old virgins spend so much time worrying about a damn high school wrestling team? Why don't you spend time on something in your own life that you can control instead of bitching about high schoolers 24?7? Believe it or not, complaining on Dakota Grappler won't change a thing about it. All you're doing is complaining to make yourself feel better and it's a waste of your own time. 🙂

TigerPride, Clearly and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
TigerPrideClearlyJoshua CaspersonAbe Meyer

Lots of 1st-time posters on this thread...... interesting

TigerPride, Viper and Joshua Casperson have reacted to this post.
TigerPrideViperJoshua Casperson

Some will tell you who they are and then some hide behind a name.  My favorite is the ones that make more than one account to come on and stir the pot!  Yep can not do anything about where kids wrestle so that this why just put the foot on the line and wrestle.  Never know what is going to happen, that is why I love this sport!

Coach Andal

Jrocket, coachswen and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
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Gentlemen, I apologize for the one time post. I was claymore1504 for years and my account login got messed up when I switched jobs and got a new email so I had to set up a new account. I didn’t think about it when I posted.

Quote from Don’t Worry About It on March 3, 2022, 3:59 pm

Who gives a shit who came from where. I know for a fact Alex wrestled for BV youth anyway. Why don't you appreciate greatness since this is probably going to be the only time in SD history that we have a wrestling team ranked nationally. Why do some of you 40-year-old virgins spend so much time worrying about a damn high school wrestling team? Why don't you spend time on something in your own life that you can control instead of bitching about high schoolers 24?7? Believe it or not, complaining on Dakota Grappler won't change a thing about it. All you're doing is complaining to make yourself feel better and it's a waste of your own time. 🙂

Well put… I’m so tired of this stupid shit where people bitch about the kids that actually want to put in the time and effort as they if that isn’t exactly what will help them in the real world.  Raise your kids with work ethic and discipline and if they happen to want to go to school with their like minded friends it’s not a slight on anyone else.  Actually it’s none of their business.   With the exception of Harrisburg, I’m not aware of another school district that prohibits open enrollment.  If you’re only 10-20 miles away from the friends that you’ve spent the most time with why complain when that’s who they want to continue to be around wrestling included.



Sasquatch, mama..m and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
Sasquatchmama..m3pointnearfallinterestingClearlyJoshua CaspersonAmy DunlavyBeckyvb
Quote from SDGopher on March 3, 2022, 4:11 pm

Lots of 1st-time posters on this thread...... interesting

We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all.    - Andrew Clark

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