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(Barnesville, Border West, Breckenridge, Brookings, Fargo North, Frazee, Grand Forks Central, Kindred, Lisbon, Ottertail County Central, Sisseton, Wahpeton, West Fargo Sheyenne)
(Bismarck, Bismarck Century, Bismarck Legacy, Bismarck Saint Mary’s, Hettinger, Killdeer, Mandan, Moorhead, Pierre, Rapid City Stevens, Sturgis, Turtle Mountain, West Fargo)
Grand Forks Red River, Valley City @ Jamestown
(Alexander, Beulah/Hazen, Bishop Ryan, Carrington, Grenora, Harvey, Kenmare, Larimore, Mayville-Portland, Northern Lights, Rugby, Stanley, Velva, Williams County )
(Central Cass, Crookston, Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton, Grafton, Hillsboro, LaMoure, Mahnomen/Waubun, New York Mills, Pembina County North, United Clay Becker)
(Des Lacs-Burlington, Devils Lake, Fargo Davies, Fargo South, Grand Forks Central, Grand Forks Red River, Jamestown, Valley City, Bismarck Century JV)
(Ellendale/Edgeley, Hettinger JV, Killdeer, Linton, Napoleon, New Salem-Altmont, South Border, Standing Rock)