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Jon Gums, Bill Holtan, Tom Schoenhard, and Mitch Greenwood breakdown this weeks wrestling in North and South Dakota!
Jon Gums, Bill Holtan interview Bismarck Century Co-Head Coach Nate Humann. We will talk about their season so far upcoming events including Gillette Tournament this weekend and so much more. Join us!
(Alexander, Beulah/Hazen, Bishop Ryan, Bowman County, Carrington, Des Lacs-Burlington, Ellendale/Edgeley, Faulkton, Grenora, Harvey, Hettinger, Kenmare, Killdeer, Kindred, LaMoure, Larimore, Linton, Mayville-Portland, Napoleon, New Salem-Altmont, Northern Lights, Oakes, Rugby, South Border, Stanley, Velva, Williams County )
Fargo North @ Moorhead
(Devils Lake, Grafton, Grand Forks Red River, Turtle Mountain, Watford City, Williston)
(Andes Central, Cheyenne-Eagle Butte, Crow Creek, Custer, Little Wound, Lower Brule, McLaughlin, Pine Ridge, Saint Francis Indian, Standing Rock, Tiopsa Zina, Todd County, Winnebago)
(Aberdeen, Bismarck, Bismarck Legacy, Bismarck Saint Mary’s, Dickinson, Fargo North, Fargo South, Grand Forks Central, Jamestown, Lisbon, Mandan, Valley City, Wahpeton, West Fargo, West Fargo Sheyenne)